Transactions, Contracts and More

Get the information you need on how to deal with various types of contracts and situations while upholding the ethical code and standards of practice we stand for.

New SCR Forms August 2024 | W/Summer Reyes

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Mortgage Basics with Landon Kail

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Mobile Home Transactions with Anne Nobel

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Contracts Class with Diana and Summer

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New Due Diligence Contract Overview and Best Practices

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SCR Webinar on new Due Diligence Contract

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Antitrust Discussion

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Buyers Agency

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Closing Disclosures and Settlement Statements


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Contract Update and Review

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Covid Addendum

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Flood Insurance

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Land Contracts

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Net Sheets

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Repair Procedure and Due Diligence

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Training content on this site is intellectual property of Realty ONE Group Coastal (Diana Johnson d.b.a. Realty ONE Group Coastal LLC).  Downloading or distributing this content is prohibited. Links are provided to other agent's video and social media pages and other companies tutorial pages for example only and are intellectual property of those agents and companies. Any advice provided in this training material is to be used for training purposes only and is particular to the scenarios described and may not apply directly to all situations or transactions. 

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